Section Title

Pina Colada Overnight Oats

Pina Colada Overnight Oats

  • 1/3 cup rolled or steel-cut oats (not quick oats)
  • 1/4 cup canned lite coconut milk
  • 1/4 pineapple chunks canned in 100% juice
  • Opt: 2 tsp of unsweetened coconut flakes

Serves: 1

  1. Add oats to a sealable container. Small mason jars work great!
  2. Pour in the lite coconut milk and pineapple chunks with juice.
  3. Top with unsweetened coconut flakes if desired. 
  4. Stir and refrigerate overnight (or 3-4 hours until hydrated).

*Tip: You can prep for the whole week and create five servings with one 13.5 oz can of lite coconut milk, one 20 oz can of pineapple chunks divided it into 5 small jars on top of 1/3 cup oats in each jar. Then you don't have to store the partial cans! smile