About Us
Live Well Sioux Falls is a community-based initiative designed to help improve the health and well-being of Sioux Falls residents by collaborating on projects to address health needs. The Live Well Sioux Falls Coalition, a group of diverse businesses, organizations and individuals, is instrumental in guiding our efforts to improve community health and wellness.
Working together, the Live Well Sioux Falls coalition completed a Community Health Assessment (CHA). This 2022 Community Health Assessment Report details information about the health and well-being of the residents of Sioux Falls.
It is intended to guide the efforts of the many programs and services currently provided in our community as well as inspire new programs that focus on the
most critical needs of Sioux Falls residents.
This year, to address those needs more widespread, the Sioux Falls Commuity Health Partnership was formed to complete the first-ever Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Partners reviewed CHA findings and collaborated to develop five priority areas and goals that will contribute to a healthier community.
The five priority areas and goals for the 2022-2025 CHIP include
- Active Living-Get people to move more
- Healthy Eating-Increase consumption of healthy foods
- Mental Health and Substance Use-Reduce deaths due to intentional and unintentional injuries
- Oral Health-Improve oral health through the reduction of dental diseases
- Preventive Care-Increase utilization of preventive care services
Our Supporters
The Sioux Falls Community Health Partnership is truly a community-wide effort to make the healthy choice the easy choice for residents and visitors. We are grateful to the many organizations that are spearheading efforts by offering volunteer leadership, financial sponsorship and other resources.
Learn more about how to get involved.