Certified Healthy Places
Ever struggle finding a balance of going out to eat but eating healthy? We want to help you make the healthy choice the easy choice in Sioux Falls! The Healthy Place Program helps consumers make healthier choices by denoting restaurants who offer options based on a set criteria created by Live Well. Our goal is to make being healthy a little easier for the residents and visitors of Sioux Falls. We understand that life is busy and eating out is part of that, however; that doesn’t mean it can’t be a healthy part.
Are you interested in eating healthier? Visit our Healthy Places!
Agua Fresh (Downtown and Empire Mall)
Bread & Circus Sandwich Kitchen
(Healthy Place is a self-attestation program. Entities that participate in this program are doing so voluntarily. The City of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Health Department and Live Well Sioux Falls do not guarantee any of the claims made by this program.)