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Earth Day Tips

Apr 22, 2022

Earth Day Tips

Our environment plays a role in our health, so it's important to keep our Earth healthy! As we celebrate Earth Day today, here are 10 simple tips to making earth-friendly changes at home and at work. 

Earth Day Tips 

1. Turn off the lights when you are not in the room. Also, opt for energy efficient lightbulbs. Not sure on how to go about making your home energy efficient? Reach out to your local electric company. Often times they may also know about rebates for making smart energy choices!.

2. Plant a tree! If you do not have the space at home, see where in your community there are opportunities to plant. Check your local conservation district office for low cost trees and plants.

3. Shorten your shower and turn off the water when doing dishes (as you are able) and brushing your teeth.

4. Recycle at home and at work. Check with your local recycling company of rules of recycling. Check out other recycling programs for items not accepted at your local facility.

5. Walk or bike to work to reduce your carbon footprint. As a bonus, it's great exercise! You could also carpool with a neighbor.

6. Reuse shopping bags. Use boxes or other reusable bags to haul your groceries in and out. Plastic grocery bags are not recyclable in your normal bin. Opt out if you are able!

7. Opt for sustable fashion. Buy clothing with the intent of long term use. Also, try shopping at thrift stores for your next new clothing haul. You can donate your old clothes for others to reuse as well.

8. Volunteer in your community. There are many opportunities to volunteer--great options for our environment include cleanup around green spaces and waterways!

9. Start a compost if you are able! Save food scraps from going into the landfill and create your own dirt that you can use in your garden or when planting flowers.

10. Do away with harsh chemicals. Always be concious of what you're using in your homes, down your drains, and in your yards. When chemicals are flushed or it rains, toxins enter our waterways and fields.